MINI-GUIDE WITH RECIPES & RECOMMENDATIONS In this guide we explore: What to expect with postpartum healing and recovery - caring for your body postpartum The postpartum...
Prioritising your own needs
IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGE The aim of this challenge is to help you work on finding more time and space for the things that are important to you in the context of motherhood - your...
Revillaging & creative community building
GUIDE In this guide we explore: The problem with isolated modern motherhood and nuclear families What happened to the village? How and why the village disappeared Beginning the...
A Guide to Good Thyroid Health in Postpartum & Motherhood
GUIDE Exploring the importance of the thyroid for good energy, cognition, mood, and more, and how to support your thyroid health holistically. In this comprehensive guide: Are...
Preparing for pregnancy – a guide to preconception care
MINI-GUIDE In this guide: What is preconception care and why is it important? The first 1000 days Timeframe for preconception care Key areas of focus Preconception checklist -...
Kick The Cravings
MINI-GUIDE & CHALLENGE In this guide & implementation challenge: Introduction Why do we get cravings? Exploring the most common underlying causes Common cravings &...
Recipe Swipe File
MINI GUIDEWelcome to the Recipe Swipe File! This resource is designed to inspire and support you in your kitchen adventures. All the recipes in this guide align with the...
Building a Resilient Mind
Tools For Self-Regulation
Rest Beyond Sleep
Prioritising Protein for Mothers
Building an Energising Meal
MINI-GUIDEBuilding an Energising Meal
Making changes in motherhood