GUIDE BOOK A guide to store-bought snacks that are also nourishing, filling, and satisfying so you can fill your pantry & fridge and always have something on hand for busy,...
Eating For Energy Mini-Course
Fast meal & snack ideas
IDEAS Simple, quick and easy meal & snack ideas to keep you nourished on busy, tired days
Navigating Picky Eating
GUIDEBOOK & CHECKLIST How to support your little one/s to learn the skill of eating and become more adventurous eaters, as well as a checklist for navigating picky or fussy...
Workbook part 3
WORKBOOK Work out the best meal planning approach for you & your family, and begin implementing kitchen shortcuts & tricks to save you time in the kitchen.
Kitchen Action Checklist & Challenge
CHECKLIST & CHALLENGE Streamline your planning, prepping, and systems in the kitchen while building new cooking habits to make the task of nourishing yourself & your...
Workshop #3
Making nourishment EASYIN THIS WORKSHOP WE COVER: Why cooking can be so much harder in motherhood Nourishment myth busting & the prefect mother myth The challenge of feeding...
Workbook part 2
WORKBOOK Follow the prompts and questions in this workbook for Workshop 2 to help you put your learnings about nourishment and eating for energy into practice.
Prioritising Protein Challenge
IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITY In this activity, you will start working on eating the ideal amount of protein each day to support your energy and wellbeing in motherhood. This activity...
Protein for Mothers
GUIDE BOOK In this guide: Protein for mothers Why is protein so important (functions in the body) Signs you're not getting enough protein How much protein do you need?...
Building An Energising Meal
GUIDE BOOK In this guide: How food impacts & influences your energy Eat enough to fuel your body Nutrients for energy Nutrient density Blood sugar balance Building an...
Kick The Cravings Challenge
GUIDE BOOK & ACTIVITY In this guide: Why do we get cravings? Exploring the most common underlying causes Common cravings & what they might be telling you Cravings are not...
Workshop #2
Making nourishment ENERGISINGIN THIS WORKSHOP WE COVER: How food & nutrition relates to your energy in motherhood Why perfection is NOT the goal – a framework for finding...
Making change in motherhood
E-GUIDE In this guide: Why it’s so hard to make changes in motherhood Knowing where to begin Attuning to your own needs Maternal wellness audit The science of habit change New...
Workbook part 1
WORKBOOK Follow the prompts and questions in this workbook for Workshop 1 to help you put your learnings into practice so when you're ready to start making changes relating to...
Build a new habit activity
IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITY In this activity we will work on building a new habit relating to your food & nutrition goals. This guide will take you through some reflective and...
Workshop #1
Making nourishment DOABLEIN THIS WORKSHOP WE COVER: Reducing overwhelm when it comes to your health Mindset shifts that will support you to prioritise yourself Knowing where to...